Friday, December 24, 2010

Been a while

Haven't been blogging much lately. Been spending time with family, friends and drama/youtube. I probably won't post for 10 days or so because I'm going away but I'll see if I have internet and time.
So what's been up lately?
  1. One of my bestie's 18th party. Didn't take any photos but it was a fun night filled with Pictionary, Cranium, Rice paper rolls and HOMEMADE PHO. It was delicious. I never knew how hoisin sauce can change the broth and give it an extra dimension. Been missing out all my life! 
  2. The annual family christmas party which we have missed out on a few years in a row. This time it was not to be missed and the theme was fiesta. I went very unmexican and plain but came home with a moustache and a belly full of good food and some mexican beer, passed on the tequila and other random shots that were made that night. We played pinata apart from the fact that majority of the people playing were over the age of 18.
  3. I watched Leehom's latest movie with K仔. Btw, Leehom is like my idol. Wiki him if you don't know who he is. It was a pretty funny movie, called Love in Disguise. I wonder if it is a true story...
  4. I spent a couple of hours making this owl. It's a christmas gift for a family friend. She bought me the masterchef cookbook and I LOVE IT. Haven't cooked anything from it yet but I will soon.
she loves owls
  1. Can't continue numbering. Went to the beach yesterday and it was absolutely freezing. The sun failed to warm me up quick enough. 
  2. Had a semi movie marathon through the night after beach. I watched Shrek for the first time and it was an awesome movie. Then watched The Departed and I prefer Infernal Affairs. Then we played monopoly but it got boring so we ended up watching Eclipse...except everyone just fell asleep during it. So right now I"m having trouble trying to concentrate and write this post up as I am on at most 1hr sleep, I just want to sleep except it's 6pm. Another 5 or 6 posts to go for the food blog.
PS. Have a fun trip K仔. I'll miss you heaps. Are you going to blog about it?

How are you celebrating?

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Today was quite an eventful day.
Went to my little cousin's birthday party at a rollerblading rink
I kinda feel that I've lost my passion for blading which is sad.
And bladed for an hour or so
Then I went to participate in my first indoor soccer match.
NOTE: I have never played actual indoor soccer before. I have never watched indoor soccer before. I don't watch soccer. I did not watch a single match of soccer during the World Cup.
So when my cousin asked me if I was willing to fill in for someone I reluctantly agreed thinking it would be indoor soccer like PE class in high school.
And boy was I wrong.
The only similarity was the ball, it was the fuzzy green/yellow soccer ball which looks a bit like a giant tennis ball.
And playing on a mixed team, things were a lot more serious than the casual games played in PE.
One of the guys managed to score in the last second of the match to win.
It was pretty epic.
I know I wasn't much help to the team, and I actually still don't know what team I played for.
But it was a good experience.
Whether indoor soccer is for me...
After that I went down to Safeway to get something to eat on the go.
Between chips or fruit
I chose fruit
Which became the second "first" for the day
I bought ONE banana
For 60cents
Random much?
Right now I'm pretty tired
Which is good cos I know I'll sleep
And wake up tomorrow.........I really don't want tomorrow to come!!!!
I'm soo scared

Mozzie Bites

ever been bitten by a mozzie on the neck?
and felt your throat constricting
it is a weird and very itchy feeling
seriously wonder if you will still be able to breathe in a few minutes
and itching it makes it worse
so atm, i look like i have a semi adams apple

Thursday, December 9, 2010


is a supermarket
which sells everything pretty much
and every Thursday they have new specials
and this week one of the specials was the ice cream machine
and I woke up early just to make sure I would get my hands on one
and I've never realised how many people would be there at 9:30 in the morning!
Luckily there were still many ice cream machines left
but navigating the trolley down the narrow narrow aisle
felt like a computer game of dodging left and right except crashes were unacceptable
you get the evil stare from grandma's/grandpa's/aunties/uncles

Ever woken up early just to make sure you could get your hands on a limited item?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Spent a good part of today trying to clean my room. 
Okay more like clean out my bookshelf.
Finally chucked out all my stuff from year 7-12.
Some good memories

Monday, December 6, 2010

Drama Addict

I confess
I am a drama addict
I can sit and watch drama from the moment I wake up till I fall asleep
Being a drama addict has its pros and cons
like all things in the world
You can lose yourself
and forget about everything around you
But because of this
the things around you suffer
Right now I think I need to find the balance

Are you a drama addict?

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Port Albert

Went to a little town on Victoria's coast for a few days. When I say little I mean tiny. 

Day 1: 
3 hour drive there
slept the entire way
had a look around the town
and saw this
and also saw this weird boat
not exactly a normal boat but not quite a submarine either
like they lined up so I could take a picture
took this whilst waiting for dinner
the backyard of the place where we were staying which was massive compared to the actual house
dad caught this in the morning whilst I was still in became lunch
 this looked a lot better in real life but the camera was incapable of taking a close enough and decent picture
pathway to.....
 First fish of legal size...became afternoon tea :)
 I really like the pier in this one
 Mirror image
 My giant flathead..
Storm came and we ran home
Ran out of a restaurant just as dinner was served to take this
Camera on sunset mode....

all the little dots are actually crabs!

would you sit on this bench?

Hope you enjoyed the post.
And hopefully it makes up for all the lack of pictures in all my other posts.

Prank Calls

Dear MHS guy/s who were prank calling last night,

Thank you for your call at 3am in the morning and waking me up. To talk to a person I've never met and do not even know the name of. I have no idea how I managed to talk to you for 5 minutes but it must have broken the prank call record. I'm sorry but at 3am I really do not feel like memorising your(or whoevers) phone number which unfortunately I still do remember. Yes, Stanley is cool. And I'm sorry but I don't love you back. Glad you guys had a fun night last night.

Yours sincerely,

The chick you did not meet the night before and does not know when she's free.
PS If you ever read this, leave a comment =] Thanks
How come I didn't hang up? Good question, even I don't know the answer to that.

What's the worst thing you've said back after someone says "I love you"?

Monday, November 29, 2010


Got my physio interview tomorrow. 
Pretty nervous about it as I feel semi prepared for it. 
I'm just hoping for the best. 
Wish me luck

Are you the type who gets really stressed out and nervous for interviews?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Driving Part 2

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, been on a family trip which I will blog about soon...
Anyways I drove on Friday and today which takes my driving hour total to about 5 hours....which means I still have 115 hours to go before the end of summer. Friday was the first time I drove on a highway kinda road and it was alright but when you're going so fast you really do feel like you might lose control and fly off the road. And today I drove on the main road when there were quite a few cars around. I am sincerely sorry for all those who got stuck behind me and had to put up with my slow acceleration and random braking.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Last goodbyes

Today I stepped into and out of the school for probably the last time. Had my last rehearsal with the orchestra.
The sunset was epic today

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Drove for the first time in 10 months today. I don't really like driving, maybe its a fear thing or maybe I'm just weird. But I gotta clock up the 120 hours this summer...if I get into Monash...PENINSULA...why did they build the campus there??

Bus Language

What is with people who use a swear word in every sentence? Especially those talking to people on the crowded buses. I think it's really rude and offensive. I admit I swear sometimes but not every sentence and not on the bus.

On a different topic...
I was down at Docklands the other day and...
witnessed something you don't see very often

Ever seen some mind boggling things?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

How to make kids quiet

You know how teachers raise their hand straight up when they want kids to be silent and essentially shut up. Except it half works because kids just raise their hands and talk simultaneously. And theres the clap the rhythm method which is more effective than the raising your hand method but yet again kids just start talking after clapping the rhythm.

I don't know if this method would work but why don't they get kids to put both hands over their mouths instead? That way you'll get their attention and anything they say will be a muffled sound. Except kids find that kind of thing funny and you'll get a massive burst of laughter instead, depending on the age group of the kids.

So what is the best method to make a large group of kids shut up and stay that way?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Everyone makes mistakes. I make an abnormally large amount of them. Today I decided to carry my viola around the city instead of just leaving it at school. Why? Because my teacher told me to practice and I did for about 15 mins. But I then gave up and decided to watch Gossip Girl instead.
The art centre in Melbourne.

Did you make a mistake today?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Deserted School

The school feels so empty with only the years 7-9 there. The library is almost empty and deathly quiet. It was fun lying on the reading seats and just chatting away with friends with no one telling us off. Scary librarian lady was no where to be seen, thank god. Who came up with the idea of a library?

Sorry no pic today. Nothing special happened.

Do you like going to the library?
I do because there are lots of cookbooks =]

Monday, November 15, 2010

Viola drives me insane

This week I will spend probably over 15 hours playing viola. Not because I have an exam. Not because I want to. It is because the school's presentation night is coming up and I'm in the orchestra. Can someone tell me why I chose to learn this instrument? 6 years and I still suck at it.

Music can bring you happiness, relieve, comfort, enjoyment and the list goes on and on. But I think all those who play and instrument also know that it can bring frustration, hate, anger and whatever else.

After this week I don't know if I'll continue to play the viola, it is really a love hate relationship with it being hate 80% of the time.

Do you play a musical instrument?

Sunday, November 14, 2010


All year I managed to keep away from TVB (Hong Kong)dramas. Now there is a lot to catch up on. Today I started watching Gun Metal Grey and it's alright but a little slow. It seems a lot like Last One Standing. Also in the past few days I've watched half a season of Gossip Girl, it is very very addictive and repetitive.

Just a picture I took with my digital camera a few weeks back.
Capturing water in motion is fun.

Are you a drama addict?

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Yesterday it was hot and 32 degrees, today it was pouring and 16 degrees. This is Melbourne.

Today family went to Harvey Norman to get some much needed new beds. It was fun sleeping on all the beds but my favourite one was this one made from special foam, except the name has escaped my mind. Pretty much when you sit/lie on it, it moulds your body shape. It felt like was getting sucked into the bed.

Hard bed or soft bed?
Soft ftw

Welcome =]


I'm teenagefoodie and this is my 2nd blog. My other blog is a food blog and I created this 2nd one because some things don't really belong on a food blog. I guess I will post everything non food related which I want to share with the world...or whoever maybe be interested.

I guess I should write a little intro about myself
  • I'm fresh out of highschool, finished exams yesterday.
  • I'm asian....and I love asian drama and music. LEEHOM! <3
  • I love food
  • I want to be a physio and a chef...except I have no idea how to do that
  • I like photography except I'm a total noob at it.
  • I once had a passion for inline skating, I don't know whether the passion is still there, I haven't skated all year.
  • I play badminton but I'm pretty bad at it
  • I secretly love playing AFL...(for overseas people, that Australian Football League, youtube it if you have seen it because it's a pretty weird sport)
  • I have a dream to play frisbee for Australia....I don't even know if Australia has a team...and I don't even play frisbee...
  • I love sunsets and bare trees
I think that's enough for now. 
A picture I took yesterday whilst walking home. The clouds looked amazing.

Why do people love sunsets and sunrises?