Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 4

-3.3 modules of upskill done, officially done kinda
-corrected exam
-half completed an exam
-over an hour of youtube

that is all for today

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 3

- 2.67 Modules of upskill
- Half corrected physics exam
- Went to a house inspection...just wanted to get out of  my own house

Didn't achieve:
-Physics exam
-Physics revision

Productivity 40% Still wasted heaps of time on facebook and youtube

Had this for dinner, I'm not sure what it's called in English but it was really yummy. It was like a treasure chest. It was massive, look how small the takeaway container looks next to it, and it thats one of those deep takeaway containers. Anyways this isn't my food blog but I have no better picture from today to post up.

Tomorrow's plan
-1.3 modules of upskill
-As much physics as possible

Does food excite you?

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 2

Even more disastrous than day one.
And yes I'm posting late AGAIN.
So yesterday I only managed one and a half modules of upskill all day because it took me 4 hours to do
And making lunch and dinner took up a lot of time
And the unplanned 2 hour trip up to the shops.

Productivity: 20%

Today I plan on doing one module of Upskill, 2 if I can find the time from some where.
One physics exam + revision.
Going to family friends for dinner.
Exam is in 3.5 days EEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPP
My brother got these Ray Ban's online for free except he screwed up the lenses and got long sighted lens instead of short sighted ones. We were mucking around with them because they made our eyes look really big. I have tiny eyes in real life. The glasses look like safety glasses you use in lab classes but cooler.

I need to think of a format in which to write these posts, it's all over the place atm because I'm just writing whatever comes to mind. Any suggestions?

Are you a last minute person?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 1

Forgot to post yesterday
Lets say the plan didn't work out too well.
Upskill took a lot longer than I imagined so I only managed to do one module.
I did manage to do one practice exam but didn't get time to mark it
I cleaned up my clothes this morning.
And didn't read over any lecture notes

I did waste quite a bit of time on youtube again and then online shopping, raging at the website for crashing when I tried to press pay now.
I guess I need to alter my plan because it may be a little unrealistic.

Today's plan:
Do another upskill module, the one I was supposed to do yesterday.
Make some quick lunch.
Mark physics exam.
Turn off comp and do another physics exam.
Do another upskill module.
Correct exam.
If there is still time (ie it is before 12am) either upskill or read through lecture notes.
Probably should pay my phone bill too.

Sorry no photo yet, maybe if I take one later in the day.

Do you believe in multitasking?
I do

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A new direction to productivity

I'm not afraid to admit, I am bloody lazy.
If you're lazy you just keep going through the cycle of laziness.
And since this blog hasn't really had much of a direction.
I think it's time I started to be more productive.

So pretty much I'm going to try and blog everyday (even during holidays) and evaluate my productiveness.
Hopefully sites like lifehacker will help me along the way.
And apps on my android phone can help too.
If you have any app suggestions that help productivity please just leave a comment below

According to a management theorist which I have forgotten the name of because I paid 100% attention in Management classes this semester =P , there are 4 steps to achieving goals. First it to make the plan, then to take action, then to evaluate and adjust the plan and lastly was to reward. I'm gonna test this theory out.

I have my final exam for the semester in a week. It's been a week since my previous exam and I've done jackall. I also have this online course called upskill to do which is due in a few weeks and I just started.

By the end of the week I shall be at least 70% productive. Yes it's a little biased but based on whether I've achieved everything I planned to, how much time I wasted, how much multitasking I do etc.

Today so far
I've done pretty much nothing.
Except for a little bit of upskill
I spent an hour or two on youtube....
Went grocery shopping
Received my new hoodie in the mail

Today's productivity: 10%

Plan for tomorrow:
2 upskill modules
1 practice exam
Clean up the clothes in my room
Read through some lecture notes, 3 weeks worth?

Are you going to wake up super early to see the eclipse?


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Photodump of two photos?!?!

Trying to capture the rain
I was trying to capture the drizzle using a digital camera, IT DOESN"T WORK. But it was really really pretty
Some photo I took at least a month ago. It's a little blurry cos I was taking from inside the bus that moving.

Sorry for the lack of photos lately, I haven't been taking my camera with me.

Today I met up with my friends which I haven't seen in quite a while. Ate lunch, went camera shopping, had a great time getting drinks, window shopped (so many things I wanted to get but no money =[ ), came home, made dinner, watched Masterchef and then just been surfing the net.

Tomorrow I shall start studying for real. BUT IT'S A LONG WEEKEND!!!!

What are you doing this long weekend?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Nail Polish

Been a month since I blogged on this blog. Major whoops.  I shall try and blog more over the holidays.
Currently I'm in the middle of exam period, 3 days since the start of exam period and I've already had 3 exams which means I have one more to go =] Except it's in two weeks.

I've taken the night off and I haven't really done much except for catch up on youtube videos and Masterchef.
My favourite thing to do when I'm watching things?
Painting my nails =]
A little bit of background on my nail history.....
Been a nail biter for 16 years now. Yes I started when I was 2. And I was one crazy ass nail biter, to the point where I only have millimeters of nail left. 4.5 years ago I made the conscious effort to slowly start growing my nails out, trust me it was hard, 4.5 years later I have a full set of full length nails. Although I don't bite as much as I used to sometimes I still do it unconsciously so I've found nail polish as an effective way of preventing it.
Nail Polish
Haven't applied top coat yet.
Dried it using the heat emitted from my oil fin heater.

I currently only own 3 nail polishes. Black, purple and a clear one. I've pretty much done every combination possible including french tipping using black and purple. I really need to get some new ones over the holidays.
Any colour suggestions? Also any tips for how to apply it nicely using your non preffered hand?

Photodump soon.

Do you hate exams too?