Saturday, June 11, 2011

Photodump of two photos?!?!

Trying to capture the rain
I was trying to capture the drizzle using a digital camera, IT DOESN"T WORK. But it was really really pretty
Some photo I took at least a month ago. It's a little blurry cos I was taking from inside the bus that moving.

Sorry for the lack of photos lately, I haven't been taking my camera with me.

Today I met up with my friends which I haven't seen in quite a while. Ate lunch, went camera shopping, had a great time getting drinks, window shopped (so many things I wanted to get but no money =[ ), came home, made dinner, watched Masterchef and then just been surfing the net.

Tomorrow I shall start studying for real. BUT IT'S A LONG WEEKEND!!!!

What are you doing this long weekend?

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