Thursday, March 24, 2011

Just routine

Although there is much freedom that comes with uni one thing doesn't change, routine.
Each week is the same.
Which unfortunately means nothing interesting to post.
This week I volunteered at the Student Association restaurant on campus for an hour and I enjoyed it soo much despite the fact that I spent majority of the time cleaning potatoes.
One thing I look forward to each week now.

I also made a trip down to Centrelink yesterday and it was a horrible experience.
You'd think Centrelink is a place where you would receive good customer service but somehow I had to line up twice totalling 30 mins just to tell them they got my uni wrong on their records.
Whilst I was there some lady's phone went off really loud and she had the same ringtone as me which gave me a panic moment but then I realised my phone was on silent.

Public transport ain't getting any better, peak hour traffic being the worst.
Also was pretty appalled at the uni students on the bus yesterday as there was an old man who got on and NO ONE offered a seat to him, very sad as the people sitting around him were from my high school.

Anyways I'll post more often hopefully and with more photos.
Currently attending a lecture on DSLR's run by the photography club at uni =]


More time is spent on facebook then on lecture slides/taking notes.
Every lecture you see people on their phones, texting, facebooking, whatever else you can do on there.
Shows you how interesting lectures are.
Wonder what lectures were like before all this technology was available

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Same old same old

Nothing special lately
Except the bus driver told me off yesterday
Because I was attempting to take a photo of the bus arrival time sign whilst getting on the bus
BUT IT SAID I was getting on the 7:47am bus! And it was 9:05am....
If I do my maths properly the bus was 1h 15 min LATE?!?!

But this morning (B=bus)
To: B1 2mins late/ B2 5 mins late/ B3 7 mins late.
Good job Ventura (Y)

Monday, March 14, 2011


Seriously uni is such a drainer
Early mornings, long bus rides
Boring lectures
Tutes in dark rooms on Monday mornings which make you wanna sleeeeeeepppp
I thought 75 min chem lessons last year were bad, until I ended up having 3hr chem lessons this year. Yes and that is lessons not pracs/lab, 3 hrs of sitting there listening to the teacher talk and talk and talk and talk.

Come home every night and I feel like going to the land of nod
And cringe at the thought of the mountain of work I have to attack.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Went out to Moomba today
Nothing particular special
Sometimes I feel a bit old there
But too young to be bringing kids there (not that I have any)
Nor do I want to be the nagging gf who wants all the big soft toys(is that an asian thing?)
Although they are very cute
I don't get what this sign means....but the toys are cute, look at MARIO =]
Entire stall dedicated to Spongebob!
The type of rides I'll never go on

So after walking around Moomba went back to State library to do some more work
Nodding off
Poor baby
So sleep deprived he fell asleep reading his textbook
Accidentally woke him up trying to put a jacket on him
But look,his stuff is all over the table.
Not sure why some parts of the picture went whack, phone is dying

Gotta study hard this week, a lot of reading to catch up on.
Reading on the bus I guess

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Another week of uni over

Last night I went to the Photography Club introductory meeting at uni.
Hopefully I can learn how to take some better pictures and understand photography more
Played some ice breaker games which were alright.
Most of the people who joined the club are Asian
Had a pretty good night
Met a bunch of awesome people, though most are 2nd or 3rd years
And I've forgotten most of the people's names because I have the best memory ever =P
Took the bus home late at night
And there was a missionary guy at the bus stop
Talked to him for a while
Really like this photo I took just before the bus arrived
If you look back a few posts ago I posted a photo of the same place but during the day
Night is way prettier
And a lot scarier

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Just another day

To: Depart: 10:20 All 3 buses were on time Arrived 11:30
From: Depart: 4:50 Arrived: 6.10 Packed into the bus like sardines, peak hour buses suck.
Look what I saw on the way to uni. Take notice of the 2nd line. The time at the time was 11:08, the next blackburn bus was going to arrive in 1 minute. Nothing wrong? Now look at what time it was supposed to come 10:44 LOL 25 mins late.

Anyways nothing special today except that there was a FIRE in the building I was in during my last lecture. Some guy just walked into our lecture and was like "GUYS there is a fire. Get out. The fire alarm isn't working." And he said it so calmly no one believed him so we slowly walked out thinking it was either a joke or a fire drill but the second we walked out of our lecture theatre we could smell smoke. So our lecture abruptly ended 20 minutes early. YAY!! Accounting is boring.

Really should be doing my hw that is due tomorrow right now =P

Anyone else drained from uni?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Going to start putting on whether the buses are on time or not, maybe not for way home as I'm not fussed about that B=bus
To: Left 10:20am B1 on time/B2 on time/B3 on time Arrived 11:30am
From: Left 5:00ish  Arrived: 6:30pm
Conclusion? Non peak hour buses run on time and efficiently.

Only had one hour of uni today because I didn't have my biophysics lab this week
The ultimate frisbee club had a sign up day today
And I signed up....
Threw a frisbee around with one of the pro's
And he taught me how to throw it forehand
After 30 mins I was starting to get sore hands from catching
And games are 90 minutes?
I think I'll collapse and die
Lovely reminder to frisbee today
I believe all those dots are popped capillaries from catching the frisbee
Looking forward to seeing it all bruise up and go funky colour
My 2nd free sample of some fragrance came in the mail today
This one supposedly has an extra 0.004ml

Just realised how much work I have to do
Because I've done no work whatsoever since starting uni
AHHHHHH a whole lot of commerce stuff due on Friday and I haven't started =[

What do you think of guys in skinny jeans?
I realised why they make low crotch jeans today after making K仔 squat in skinnies

Also may have said "aroused in public" a little too loud on the bus today, the guy next to me looked up at me after I said that =S WHOOPS 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Early or Late?

I've recently realised something. I don't know whether buses are early or late sometimes because they CONVENIENTLY come right in the middle of the two bus times. eg if the bus is supposed to come 4:11 and 4:25 it comes at 4:18ish.
The massive tree right in the middle of the bus station at uni.
Sorry this photo is so blurry but the screen flickers on camera (like when you try to take a picture of the analogue tv/computer screen)
Anyways notice how the blackburn bus is supposed to come at 3:17 except the time is 3:24 already and the bus is coming in 4 minutes? In other words the bus is more than 10 minutes late. So late that the bus after that (which is supposed to be 13 mins after it) arrives at the same time. Melbourne public transport for you.
My free sample of this random fragrance came in the mail today. I was expecting a little bottle but I got this stuck to the postcard like letter. Oh well, it was free after all.
0.071ml (is that even pipette-able? maybe micropipette-able...)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

First week of Uni

So it's the end of the week
I'm feeling pretty tired
Uni is not all that great
Especially lectures, they're ridiculously boring
However there is much study to be done
Because I don't want to fail
Something I found in the library written with highlighter in the study area. 
Am I wrong but is there supposed to be two strokes on the "yue" in the bottom left part of the character?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I've just gotten through 6 months with only $15 credit (phone)
Yeah, it meant a lot of messages unreplied/replied to through msn, fb, home phone.
Meant like urgent calls only
However quite a few of my friends are on the same carrier/company
So we get free texts to each other
And cheap calls
So that was okay
But yeah, hopefully Dad will let me get more credit this time, cos $15 in uni, gone like a zyrtec

What to do

When you walk past someone you "know"
By know I mean you know who they are and recognise them
And they know who you are and can recognise you
But both of you have never "met" or been introduced to each other before
Never talked to each other
Just know of each other (and possibly know way too much about each other for people who "don't" know each other to know)
Do you say hi
Or just awkwardly walk off after you're eyes have met?
Confused? That's how complicated life is.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011



I swear that is what myki stands for
Sure it gives me an awesome deal when it works properly
Bought a myki pass like 40 hours before I used it
And the website says allow up to 24 hours before it works
and I was still in Zone 2
Myki had been stealing my money all last week
I'm a poor student
I know how much myki should be charging me
And they took like 3x2hr Zone 2's off my myki one day last week
when the max should be 2
and the customer service guy at the train station was like "errrrr i only do metcards, try calling myki"

Oh and the bus was late again
At least it was the bus going home