Thursday, March 24, 2011

Just routine

Although there is much freedom that comes with uni one thing doesn't change, routine.
Each week is the same.
Which unfortunately means nothing interesting to post.
This week I volunteered at the Student Association restaurant on campus for an hour and I enjoyed it soo much despite the fact that I spent majority of the time cleaning potatoes.
One thing I look forward to each week now.

I also made a trip down to Centrelink yesterday and it was a horrible experience.
You'd think Centrelink is a place where you would receive good customer service but somehow I had to line up twice totalling 30 mins just to tell them they got my uni wrong on their records.
Whilst I was there some lady's phone went off really loud and she had the same ringtone as me which gave me a panic moment but then I realised my phone was on silent.

Public transport ain't getting any better, peak hour traffic being the worst.
Also was pretty appalled at the uni students on the bus yesterday as there was an old man who got on and NO ONE offered a seat to him, very sad as the people sitting around him were from my high school.

Anyways I'll post more often hopefully and with more photos.
Currently attending a lecture on DSLR's run by the photography club at uni =]


  1. for me uni is just soboring, recently im starting to fall asleep during my lectures and all hahaha

    i agree with the service at centrelink. once i had to do the same application three times because they inputed the wrong details grr. lines are also terrible! i prefer calling them early in the mornings now though.

    by the way, i'm not sure if you do these things but, i have given you a blog award (for your food blog), please come to my blog and claim it if you have time.

  2. same, i fell asleep yesterday. the flip down tables can be so comfortable sometimes.

    yeah, i was already in the area for centrelink so i thought i'd pop in at 4pm thinking no one would be there and it'd be quick. I hate the computer answering machine centrelink has for their phones

    yeah i saw the award thing, thanks :) i'll claim it when i have some decent time. assignment due tomorrow :S

  3. ask the uni kids to move for the old man. if they don't just push them!!!! thatll teach them!!!!
