Monday, January 24, 2011


Nothing has really happened lately in life. therefore I shall just do this quiz thing my friend did on her blog. check out her blog here. she's an amazing artist, especially when it comes to animated characters. 
  1. when showering, do you start the water and then get in, or get in then start the water?
    start the water first. i don't like freezing my ass off. skinny people lose heat faster than umm larger people due to volume to surface area ratio! learnt that in biology =]
  2. do you read the labels on your shampoo bottle?
    no, it's not like i'll know what 90% of the contents are. if it goes into my body like food then i might read the label if i'm bored. 
  3. do you moan in the shower like the people on the herbal essences commercial?
    no, those ads are weird
  4. have you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings?
    ummmm....why does this matter? maybe back in the day...
  5. have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower?
    lol yeah. prefer to do it separately though. 
  6. have you ever dropped your soap on your foot?
  7. who hasn't? that stuff is slippery as
  8. how old do you look?
    ummm i would hope my age?
  9. how old do you act?
    depends but usually my age. things change when alcohol is in your system.
  10. what's the last song you sang?
    no clue, i don't sing... probably a leehom song
  11. have you recently become a member of anything?
    like my friend crown signature club since we went together but also the freebies thingo at centro. 
  12. what are your plans for the weekend?
    it's monday right now. this weekend i plan to have found a job and be spending some time with the bf since he's coming back. 
  13. do you kiss with your eyes open or closed?
    lol, from weekend to kissing? y don't you ask K仔. 
  14. whats the sexiest thing about condoleeza rice?
    don't know much about her except she's somewhere high up there in america. nothing sexy about politicians, unless if you're arnold schwarzenegger.
  15. does anything on your body itch right now?
    no but my laptop is starting to burn my legs
  16. who's the sexiest famous woman alive?
    oooooo, lee hyori? or some korean chick
  17. who's the sexiest famous man alive?
    too hard to choose. if you could take the best of leehom, kevin cheng, daniel henney, edison (:O shock horror, "he's a bad boy though!!!" but nonetheless sexy) and every other sexy guy out there. 
  18. does every family have a crazy uncle?
    if you add in "large" before family then yes. i have an uncle who collects model cars and buses and can tell which number bus is approaching the bus stop even though he's up in an apartment and can't see the bus. and i have an uncle who's mad about man utd and turtles, he is awesome :)
  19. have you ever smuggled something into america?
    i haven't been to america yet :(
  20. does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive?
    yep. haha k仔 ;) oh and leehom and victor kim :)
  21. do you live in a city with a good sports team?
    errrr i guess if you include all the victorian afl teams
  22. have you ever finished off the popcorn and ate the junk from the bottom of the bag?
    yeah especially if it's caramel popcorn
  23. have you ever dated a goth?
  24. can you fix your own car?
    besides the fact that i don't own a car, i can't fix a car. i'd turn to my dad first thing if i needed any car help.
  25. would you want to kill george w bush yourself if you were guaranteed to get away with it?
    no, i don't really care about him and it'll always be on your conscience.
  26. should guys wear pink?
    i don't really have a problem with it as long as it's not fluoro. everyone has the right to wear whatever they want granted they are wearing someting. 

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